For developers
Integrate and deploy in-app purchases in minutes with a single line of code
Focus on building new products, leave subscription infrastructure to us.
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Configuring platforms
Installing Adapty SDK
customerUserId: "YOUR_USER_ID"
customerUserId: "YOUR_USER_ID"
Processing purchasing events
Just 5 SDK methods to integrate monetization
Fetch Paywalls, make purchases, and check the subscription status — that’s all you need to get started quickly.
Get started with SDK
// Your app's code
import Adapty
Adapty.activate("PUBLIC_SDK_KEY", customerUserId: "YOUR_USER_ID")
// Use Locale.preferredLanguages to find out
// which languages the user prefers using
let locale = Locale.current.identifier
Adapty.getPaywall("YOUR_PAYWALL_ID", locale: locale) { result in
switch result {
case let .success(paywall):
// the requested paywall
case let .failure(error):
// handle the error
// Your app's code
do {
let purchaseResult = try await Adapty.makePurchase(product: product)
switch purchaseResult {
case .userCancelled:
// handle the user cancelled purchase
case .pending:
// handle the pending purchase
case let .success(profile, transaction):
if profile.accessLevels["YOUR_ACCESS_LEVEL"]?.isActive ?? false {
// successful purchase
} catch {
// handle the error
// Your app's code
Adapty.getProfile { result in
if let profile = try? result.get() {
// check the access
// Your app's code
do {
let profile = try await Adapty.restorePurchases()
if profile.accessLevels["YOUR_ACCESS_LEVEL"]?.isActive ?? false {
// successful access restore
} catch {
// handle the error
Quick integration in just a couple of hours
Add products from AppStore Connect, Google Play, or Stripe. Then, create Adapty paywalls, and you’re good to go.

Cross-platform subscriber sync
Adapty SDKs automatically sync subscribers across all platforms. Use Adapty as a single source of truth for your customers, and sync subscribers even from the web with Adapty server API.
Read more about sync
Highest SLA in the industry: 99.99% and growing
Adapty SDK and servers are battle-tested by some of the largest apps in the world. We aim to ensure you sleep well and don’t need to wake up at night when subscriptions stop working. Reach 100% fault tolerance with fallback paywalls.
Well-maintained SDK for each platform
We regularly update our SDKs, consistently releasing new features and optimizing performance.
Learn more
Simple 3rd-party integrations
Integrating with other solutions is time-consuming yet extremely important. Just add an extra line of code, turn on the integration, and Adapty will automatically send data to the 3rd-party service. Your product and marketing teams will be grateful.
Learn more
Flexible paywall management architecture
Adapty is a product made by developers for developers. We aim to provide the most flexible solution so your growth colleagues can work without bothering you. Adapty Placements make it easy to change paywalls remotely and run testing with neither coding nor app releases required.
Raw data export
Save raw vendor data in real-time to your servers with Raw Webhook (link) or get the process and enriched data events from Webhook integration.

Using another or in-house solution for subscriptions?
We’ve got you covered and will help you move your data securely and seamlessly without losing a single subscriber.
Schedule a call to learn more
Join the world's largest apps that already use Adapty
People from all kinds of businesses turn to Adapty to grow their revenue
Battle-tested with the highest SLA in the industry
Read all casesEnterprise-grade battle-tested solution
subscription events / month
subscribers / month
API calls / month