LTV analytics
Improve your UA strategy with subscription LTV analytics
Understand your LTV in detail and adjust your user acquisition strategy.
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Real-time LTV chart
Keep track of your subscriber's lifetime value either by subscription periods or by days. Use it to adjust your CPA and paid campaigns.

Know the LTV of any group of users
Break down LTV by any group of users, any paywall, or A/B test. Find the most performed segments and grow them.

Get cumulative lifetime value by days or renewals
Switch LTV calculations by charging periods or by days.
Deduct taxes and commissions
View revenue data considering taxes and store commissions to know your true earnings.

Predict LTV growth
Predict your LTV and revenue data for up to 12 months to see when your traffic starts to pay off.
More about AI prediction
People from all kinds of businesses turn to Adapty to grow their revenue
Using another or in-house solution for subscriptions?
We’ve got you covered and will help you move your data securely and seamlessly without losing a single subscriber.
Schedule a call to know more